Tab solar charger stand

Tab solar charger standTab solar charger stand
  • Cena 60.06€
  • Cena šodien no 40.15€
  • Atlaide 33% - 19.91€
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Tab solar charger stand

Artikuls: SX377
Tab is a multifunctional solar charger with a powerful 2600 mAh rechargeable lithium battery. It doesn't only charge your phone or tablet but due to the unique shape it also holds your device. This allows you to comfortably watch a movie without being afraid your battery will die. Including a Micro USB cable. Registered design®
Izmēri: 11,1 x 7 x 1,8
Krāsa: white
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Apraksts angļu valodā:
Tab is a multifunctional solar charger with a powerful 2600 mAh rechargeable lithium battery. It doesn't only charge your phone or tablet but due to the unique shape it also holds your device. This allows you to comfortably watch a movie without being afraid your battery will die. Including a Micro USB cable. Registered design®

Logo 1 krāsu logo
Skaits Cena Akcijas cena
10 76,72 61,37
30 64,97 50,12
100 60,87 45,22
250 60,87 44,18
350 60,06 41,87
450 60,06 40,15







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